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  • 点击:
  • 日期:2015-05-13 13:59
  • 来源:福建一春农业

The U.S. hog price is racing higher. A month ago, lean hogs averaged 59.76¢ a lb. Last Friday Iowa – S. Minnesota lean hogs averaged 79.17, 20¢ a lb. increase in four weeks. More than $40.00 per head. We expect this relentless trend will continue over the next few weeks with lean hogs reaching .95¢ a lb. or more.

美国生猪价格正在上涨。一个月前的瘦肉猪平均价格为59.76美分/磅。上周五,艾奥瓦州-南明尼苏达州的瘦肉猪平均价格为79.17美元/磅,在4周内上涨了20美分。每头猪超过40美元。我们预计这疯狂的趋势将在接下来的几周持续下去,瘦肉猪价格将达到 95美分/磅甚至更高。

Our Observations


March US pork exports to the world were 440 million pounds, the largest monthly total in the last year. In January during the height of the Pacific coast shipping issues, US world pork exports were 347 million pounds.

3 月美国向全球出口了4.4亿磅猪肉,这是上一年数量最多的一个月。1月份发生太平洋海岸航运期间,美国的全球猪肉出口量为3.47亿磅。

We expect exports will continue to grow as the demand for pork accelerates, reaching beyond 500 million pounds per month. Exports will be led by Mexico, Korea, Japan and China.

随着猪肉需求的增速,我们预计出口量将继续增加,每个月达到5亿磅以上。墨西哥、 韩国、 日本和中国将引领出口量。

Below is a picture taken last week in a Beijing train station. It’s a display advertising American Pork – Virginia Sausage and Hams. Ad is from Smithfield parent company. American Pork, a premium product. It is not if, but when American Pork goes to China at huge levels. Smithfield being Chinese owned is pounding the beachhead.

下面是上个星期在北京火车站拍的1张照片。这是1张美国猪肉的广告 — — 弗吉尼亚风味香肠和火腿。广告由史密斯菲尔德的母公司制作。“美国猪肉,优质产品。”如果真是这样,美国猪肉就会大量进入中国。中国拥有的史密斯菲尔德食品公司正在冲锋陷阵。

U.S. pork cut-outs are 79.57¢/lb., at that price and market hogs 79.17¢/lb. there is no packer margin. We expect that pork exports did processing margins that are not reflected in the U.S. pork cut-outs must be good as packers have pushed lean hog prices higher.


Market hog weights continue to decline, last year this week, lean hog carcasses averaged 219.61 lbs. Currently lean hog carcasses are 213 lbs. Not only less pork per carcass but also a reflection of hogs pulled ahead this year. This will support lean hog prices in the coming weeks. You only kill them once.


The U.S. dollar index has devalued almost 5% in the last month, lowering US pork costs to importers in most countries


US pork cut-outs at 79.57¢/lb. pale to US beef cut-outs at $2.58/lb. Pork is either a great deal for consumers and/or big margin maker for retailers. We believe pork and beef cut-outs will narrow, meaning to us pork cut-outs are going higher. The reason – beef supply not there, beef price will hold. As summer seasonal supply of pork declines and exports increase, we expect pork cut-outs to move over $1.00.


Avian Flu – Latest U.S. data to indicate 25 million chickens and turkeys have been exterminated due to Avian Flu. Looks like it is far from under control? If Avian Flu gets in the broiler and turkey breeder flocks all bets off on chicken and turkey supply. Avian Flu makes PED look like a common cold.

禽流感 — — 美国的最新数据表明已经有2500万只鸡和火鸡因为禽流感而被扑杀。看上去这远未得到控制。如果禽流感影响到肉鸡和火鸡育种场,鸡和火鸡的供应将会付之一炬。在禽流感面前,猪流行性腹泻就像一场普通的感冒。



Prices are racing higher. Over $40 per head gain the last four weeks. We expect the trend to continue with lean hogs reaching .95¢/lb. plus, pushed by seasonally lower hog numbers, stronger pork exports and high beef prices.


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