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日本猪肉进口量今年上半年增长了 将近13%

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  • 日期:2016-08-03 09:13
  • 来源:互联网

JAPAN - Japanese imports of fresh/frozen pork increased by just under 13 per cent, to 429,000 tonnes, in the first six months of the year.This was driven by an increase in shipments from both EU and non-EU countries. The value of these imports increased ahead of volumes, versus the same period a year earlier, by 18 per cent to $2,027 million.This was as a result of the average unit price, in US dollars, increasing by just under 5 per cent.With the Japanese herd still recovering after the 2014 PEDv outbreak, with recovery starting in earnest in late 2015, demand for imported product has remained buoyant. However, as the recovery continues, it may be expected that demand will begin to taper off as the year progresses.

日本新鲜/冷冻猪肉进口量在今年上半年增长了 将近13%,达到4.29万公吨。主要因素是由于欧盟与非欧盟国家运往日本的货物进口量增长。以美元计算,由于平均单价上涨将近5%,所以进口货物的价值 增长超过数量的增长,价值与去年同期相比增长了18%,达到20.27亿美元。日本猪群在2014年猪流行性腹泻病毒爆发的疫情后仍处于恢复阶段,真正的 恢复期开始于2015年底,日本对进口产品仍然保持强劲的需求。然而,由于日本猪群的持续复苏与时间的推移,可以预测的是,需求会开始变得越来越弱。

    日本猪肉进口量今年上半年增长了 将近13%-分享到手机扫一扫分享到手机
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